Welcome to our online recording system, Nature Counts.
This page enables you to submit your wildlife sightings to us, to help us make better, more evidence based conservation choices on our nature reserves and beyond, informing our Nature Recovery Networks in Herefordshire
This information will help us to get a clearer representation of how our local flora and fauna are thriving or where they are in decline. The data collected will also feed into the National Biodiversity Network’s database, the NBN Atlas, meaning your records can be used by ecologists and scientists across the country to inform national policy decisions about nature and the environment, and national assessments of biodiversity.
Whether you’ve seen something common or rare, in one of our nature reserves or elsewhere within Herefordshire, let us know. All species records are welcome. Submit your records to us above!
Helping Nature’s Recovery
Your records help us make evidence-based decisions to best support nature’s recovery. We know that Nature needs our help. Knowing what species are found in which locations is essential information for helping staff at Herefordshire Wildlife Trust to decide where we need to focus our efforts to help return nature to recovery.

Sharing data with other organisations
Our data is hosted by the Biological Records Centre (BRC) who make our records available under license to national recording schemes, local environmental records centres (LERCs) and researchers at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.

Reviewed by experts
Hosting our records with the The biological records centre (BRC) means we have access to the wealth of expertise of iRecord verifiers who can confirm the species identity of records submitted to Nature Counts. Of course, this is in addition to our knowledgeable staff at Herefordshire Wildlife Trust!
Published on the NBN Atlas
Our data is regularly published on the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Atlas. This means anyone can see what data we hold, and see how it fits in with the wider world of biological recording.
Built on open-source software
Nature Counts is built using software called Indicia, it’s the same software that iRecord is built upon. Open source means that it’s free to use and extend. Nature Counts wouldn’t be possible without the many organisations that have contributed to its development.
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